Sunday, 11 December 2016

Revision Strategy : Class 12 Chemistry

Greetings Readers
Time has been passing quickly and the year 2016 is going to end soon. Those of you in Class 12 or droppers must have wrapped up doing the syllabus and must be busy revising and improving upon your mistakes. Continuing with the series of posts on revision, today's post is about Class 12 Chemistry.
Having briefly described about the way each part of Chemistry viz. Physical,Organic and Inorganic is, I would directly come upon the particular topics with this post.

Physical Chemistry - 
Class 12th part has a lot of important chapters like Solutions,Electrochemistry ,Chemical Kinetics and even Solid state which give a lot of scope for good numerical questions,even the most calculative ones.
For these I would suggest you to be very thorough with the theory part,formulas and the typical questions that can be asked.Practice questions, see the time you are taking,improve upon your concepts. Electrochemistry has a lot of formulas, which are quite easy to forget and also to mix up or be confused in. So write them down before doing any question and proceed with the question keeping it in mind. Once you are thorough with them, you just have to do the solving part. Chemical Kinetics questions are derivation type so practice them first writing down the whole solution and once you feel comfortable, you can skip steps to increase your speed. Solid state has some typical examples to be learnt at, and also topics like telling the type of voids according to the radii ratios, so be careful with them.

Organic Chemistry - 

Class 12 is where the real organic chemistry steps in. GOC was just the ABCD(although very important) . Reaction Mechanism,Haloalkanes,Alcohols,Ethers,Aromatic Compounds,more reactions of Hydrocarbons, Aldehyde, Ketones and Carboxylic acids - Class 12 has everything to offer. Your basic focus should be on learning the mechanism, thinking and making the product yourself and matching with the answer. Avoid the mugging of A+B gives C approach as questions in NEET and AIIMS aren't that easy. You have to see through their tricks of putting the questions. Even I got deceived in two very tricky questions in NEET 2016. AIIMS Chemistry also had the best Organic Chem I had seen in two years of my preparation. So have a conceptual approach to this subject. Read your notes, practice questions from your coaching modules or books like MS Chauhan(AIPMT/AIIMS edition not the JEE one). Ask doubts, write down mistakes you can possibly do in your notes. Revise again and again so that you don't forget the reactions. The biggest problem I had was that I used to forget which reagent did what reaction. So I put special focus on that and began linking reagents with products. Similarly, you have to solve what bothers you the most. Biomolecules also has some important reactions, so do cover them and don't ignore Polymers and other parts of Chemistry in Everyday life. 2-3 very easy questions are sure to come and I don't want you to lose marks in them. Learn the important points from NCERT itself.

Inorganic Chemistry -
Now comes the 'rattu' or 'maggu' part. Coordination Chemistry and Surface Chemistry are the conceptual ones. Co-ordination Chemistry involves good questions and you need to have strong concepts regarding the nomenclature, type of hybridization and the isomerism questions especially. One the other hand, the chapters of p, d and f blocks (the PDF blocks!) are quite boring. For p-block, I can say that reactions and properties can only be learnt by writing them down once (in rough not fair) and practicing questions on the same from the modules. Do as much questions you can do, but limit yourself to the NCERT syllabus. Don't try to get too deep with these topics. For d and f block, in depth study is not required, but you must knot special points like atomic radius trend irregularity, special chemical properties, abnormal electronic configurations, comparison of elements in a single period. One trend I have been observing in the four papers of the past 2 years is that they pick some random element from f block and ask its electronic configuration. No one of us remembers and also can’t remember atomic numbers till the f-block, but there is a trick to solve these. Actually the main thing to note is that the sum of electrons is same in all the options they give so no need of atomic number at least. The difference comes in the distributions in the s-p-d-f orbitals. The options can be eliminated by simple application of Aufbau rule. Once you get the correct order of filling of electrons, the question is done. I myself didn’t know this before NEET. Observed and applied it in the paper itself! So although the pdf blocks are bulky to memorize, there are tips and tricks that can help you ace the questions. So keep looking for them.

I know this time is very crucial for those giving NEET 2017, but have patience, don't get depressed, your years of hardwork will pay if you believe in yourself. Don't get demotivated by test scores. Rather keep a watch on your mistakes and timing and battle out to imporve yourlself. Post on Biology and Physics Class 12 revision are also coming up. Boards are also coming up before NEET. So will be posting on how to maintain balance between board and NEET/AIIMS preparation too.
Till then

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Revision Strategy : Class 11 Biology

Greetings Readers
Continuing with the series of posts on Revision Strategy, next up in the series is - Biology. This is a subject which is although loved by all Medical aspirants, gives them trembles and fear due to it's bulky and descriptive nature, with the difficulty of memorizing all the fine details. Biology may take up a lot of time of yours to fit it in your mind properly but everyone knows it's worth it. Still, I aim to help you make an efficient revision strategy where each second,each minute,each hour invested in churns out a good output.
Basically learning Biology can be divided into two parts - 

  • Understanding dynamic concepts like life processes, biological cycles , reason of various fundamental activities occurring in nature, connecting various statements to teach other. The main thing is that this part is easy to understand than all that memorizing part but to understand it you have to pay proper attention and concentration and AVOID mugging up such basic concepts. Understanding may take time and you may still be confused, but it's way better than mugging up for long term.
  • Second is the memorization part which consists of Animal,Plant and Biological Diversity Chapters;Morphology of Plants and Animals;Some parts of Plant Anatomy. These parts although aren't highly conceptual but still many small concepts may help you link all the facts and information involved in these chapters. So for these chapters,you need to have all the necessary information in a condensed form so as to help in revising it periodically, if you feel you have forgotten it.
Biology being a mix of above two divisions is quite variable in nature but easy to master once you pick the right way of studying it.
For understanding concepts,which should be your first priority as memorization can be done later on, attention in class is important. Whenever your teacher slows down explains something with patience repeats it, you should know that it's important. Try to get his/her words and then note it down with some coloured pen like red/green in you notes, to highlight it from other information. This will help you in making a concept map of the chapter. You know this chapter involves all these concepts and if you understand them, the reason giving and statement type questions of NEET/AIIMS are done.
You can practice such questions from Dr. Ali Objective Biology which has very carefully carved out all the conceptual statements from NCERT into such type of questions. In this way all your NCERT concepts will be covered up too. Additional conceptual questions may be given in your coaching modules, so cover them up too. If still problems persist, you can read out Biology by Campbell and Reece(PDF from the internet) as it has explained out very difficult seeming concepts in the easiest language possible along with colourful diagrams and flow charts.
Next up is memorization part. This is a bit tough part as not each one of us(including me) is an expert in memorizing large chunks of information so easily. But,take my word,it's not impossible! The problem of memorization comes with the presentation of information. Plain Black and White modules of coaching institutes with all the boring fonts wouldn't fascinate you in learning so much information.
This problem can be solved by various methods. First, if your teacher is helping you make readable and specific notes, that's well and good. If not, you yourself can make notes in your own handwriting and using various coloured pens like red,green,pink,violet along the blue and black. This will make the notes more readable and appear picture like and everyone can remember pictures better than plain text. Make some diagrams separately on your own, label properly and you will have a very clear understanding of those in your minds. Also, remember that it's not necessary to make such notes for all chapters, but only the ones you feel difficult to remember in order to avoid wasting time.
Also to fit all of this information in your mind,you need to practice a lot of questions.Yes,you heard that right - a lot of questions. The reason behind it that these questions will help to stimulate your brain again and again to put stress and remember that piece of information, which with continuous practice will shift it in your long term memory. Once it goes in your long term memory, it would be difficult to get forgotten than earlier. So do a lot of questions from your coaching modules, test papers, DPPs, Dr. Ali,MTG etc. The key is distributing all this information in form of separate questions and then fitting it in your memory.
Coming to the individual topics - 
Animal Diversity - The main thing is to remember the various taxa and their characteristics along with the examples. If you are able to connect examples with characteristics, most of the questions which can come are done. Also, for out of NCERT stuff, you can do Aakash/Allen modules but don't go too deep in learning useless classes and examples but stick to the pattern of the 2013-2016 papers rather.
Biological Diversity(including plants) - The pattern to be followed is similar to Animal Diversity but additionally you should make comparison tables of like sub-categories of a single category.For example - Comparison of Red,Green and Blue Algae in the topic Algae. Such questions may come as the plant and fungi and even bacteria contain quite directly comparable categories.
Plant Morphology - Pretty much memorization only but prefer learning NCERT examples and their characteristics rather than going in depth with the stuff given in coaching modules. Do more and more questions and then stuff will automatically click in you mind.
Plant Anatomy - This topic has conceptual part so do them carefully. Learn the characteristics of various tissues along with proper diagrams so that if the picture comes in AIIMS/NEET exams you can identify it easily.
Cell Biology - As such it's an easy topic so whatever you are doing at coaching is sufficient.
Plant Physiology - Many intricate concepts are difficult to understand at first sight, especially in Respiration and Photosynthesis, so take time and understand them clearly. Flow charts and good reference diagrams made by yourself can help here too.
Human Physiology - Again quite conceptual like Plant Physiology. So do it similarly. Also, do pickup additional concepts aside from NCERT to ace all the question that can come.
So,to end,basically Biology has to be done in a fun and interesting way to keep your mind focused to it and avoid getting bored.
Till next time

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Revision Strategy : Class 11 Physics

Greetings Readers
You may think that I have been highly irregular in making blog posts these days, but you know that medical college asks for a good amount of dedication as well, hence my irregularity.
Anyways, today I will be continuing with the Revision Strategy series and today it is about - Physics. The subject that majority of the aspirants worry about a lot, and don't seem to be very comfortable with it, although they want to give their best to it,too. So will be highlighting on how to extract the best out of your revision time.
See Physics,unlike Biology(and even somewhat Chemistry) is not a memory intensive,but more of a highly conceptual, intensive thinking and analytical skills involving subject. You can't mug up 45 questions and be done with it. The questions are well.....................infinite.
But, the one thing that sets Physics a class apart is that you CAN,yes YOU CAN do all those infinite questions with a finite range of well-tuned concepts. In Biology, you don't know what questions can come from a topic that the CBSE guys pick up from random books that you don't even know, but in Physics you know that if a question comes from Kinematics, you know the formulas , you know the procedure and let it take 1 min extra, you can get the right answer.No guessing, no confusion. This was a source of motivation for me while preparing for Physics. I knew if once I was clear with the concepts, let them throw any question and I will force them to give me a +4 marks. They simply can't  give me -1(or -5 rather) uselessly.Either I leave the question or get four marks. It was my hard work, my marks! They can't run away saying NCERT mentions this therefore this is correct.
So, be motivated for Physics as this is a subject which will fetch you "assured marks".
Next up is the question,"OK I am motivated to do Physics,but How do I improve my concepts to such a great level that NEET/AIIMS paper can't stop me with literally ANY question?"
Answer lies in being thorough with the smallest to smallest,basic to basic concept that exists. You should know that although teachers making you emphasize on important topics is good, but "coverage" of the syllabus is quite important. Topics like Surface Tension,Properties of Matter, Fluid Mechanics, Kinetic Theory of Gases,some concepts of SHM,Semiconductors even Communication Systems which were being looked upon as topics to just go through once are bringing the best new questions in NEET/AIIMS papers. In AIIMS UG Physics,the weight-age of  both the book 2 of Class 11 and 12 is more than the book 1 along with the increased negative marking, thus the difference in merit lists of the two tests(except top 100 although).
Coming to the topics,class 11 consists basically the topics Kinematics,Newton's Law of Motion and Friction,Work Energy and Power,Center of Mass,Rotational Motion,Gravitation,Thermodynamics,Kinetic Theory of Gases,Properties of Matter,Thermal Properties of Matter,Fluid Mechanics,Surface Tension, Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves. All topics are very fundamental to understand and none involves any gross memorization.
Looking at any normal student, he/she is first taught a particular topic at coaching, he/she makes notes in the class, then the teacher makes do some important questions in the class, which most students(including me) aren't able to do in first attempt. Anyways, we listen to the solution and note it down. So, first - NOTE DOWN all what your teacher emphasized on using special highlights like a red pen or a fluorescent highlighter. That will help you get important things "bounce" straight to the mind while revising.
Try to grasp important approaches and concepts by writing down the solution once by seeing and the trying to solve it by unseen approach. This will help your brain trigger a path to pick and solve that particular type of questions.
Once you are done with the teachers notes and whatever concepts you have learnt, it's time to apply all the concepts with a variety of questions. You can solve some 'marked important' questions of your coaching modules or DPPs that you would have marked while doing them for the first time. Also,you can take up new books(only if you have time) like DC Pandey(till JEE Main level). If any doubt,even the smallest one comes, do go and ask your teacher don't hesitate. This fine tuning of your concepts will make you different from others and will give you a leading edge over all other aspirants.
Taking about specific topics, Kinematics first, requires more of solving a variety of questions and learning several approaches of solving questions especially in Projectile and Relative motion parts. NLM and friction require sound concepts from theory, and the skill to apply them in quite different questions using the same NLM equations and coming to the answer.
Center of Mass and Rotational Motion involve first understanding basic concepts, solving some basic questions and then reducing all the complex questions to typical questions using some fixed approaches of solving the equations.
Gravitation is more formula specific so practice of standard questions would suffice. Properties of Matter has some tricky questions, otherwise the topic is simple once done with proper attention. Fluid Mechanics and Surface Tension have intricate concepts to understand, so do take time,understand them and solve the different types of questions.
SHM is highly fundamental and you need to have crystal clear concepts to solve the best of its questions. It took me at least 3-4 attempts to even understand what SHM was and how it's simple equations are involved in a lot of different questions. Waves is important too,but once you understand what a wave is and how the wave equation is represented, simple formulas will help you tackle the questions and the Doppler Effect too isn't much difficult too.
To end, I would like to say that Physics is something that's quite dynamic and it must be learnt and revised dynamically,not statically. Thinking,doubts,questions,discussion must go on to polish your concepts so that you excel in the NEET/AIIMS exams.
Till next time

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Happy Diwali!

Wishing all readers a very happy and prosperous Diwali.Wish that God gives you the energy and patience to battle out all the odds,work hard and fulfil your dreams.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Revision Strategy : Class 11 Chemistry

Greetings Readers
First up in the revision series is Class 11 Chemistry - 
Physical Chemistry - This part although quite conceptual and not involving much mugging up becomes a problem when you forget basic formulas and approach to solving the problems.Topics like Equilibrium and Thermodynamics(which are the main weighing topics of Class 11 Physical Chem) give you the most problems.I myself used to struggle with Keq and concentration problems in Equilibrium and Entropy,Work calculation in various processes etc. in Thermodynamics.But,you know you can solve these problems with quite a simple approach. Choose a topic,focus your mind and extract all you can from your class notes,solve the problems again which the teacher made you do.Do the questions again in which you had got doubt or were unable to solve(A very good concept for efficient revision in future is that mark all those questions with like a box or circle or red pen,that you felt were "achha questions" or good or tough or teaching some important concept).
If coaching modules are not sufficient,take up Narendra Awasthi Physical Chemistry book,solve the new problems.Generate doubts and go to your teacher and ask them.The best thing revision does it to make you generate new doubts and once you separately got o the teacher and clarify them,you will never forget that concept/question. Our teacher used to say,"Ye jo tum doubt puchh rahe ho na, ye hi aayega asli exam mein,baaki normal questions to sab solve kar lete hain" or "The doubts you are asking are quite probable to come in the real exam,as common questions can be solved by all".
Summary for Organic Chem : Teachers notes,coaching modules and practice more and more questions.Ask doubts freely and improve upon your concepts.

Organic Chemistry - One of the most interesting parts of Chemistry which can be made uninteresting if the way of teaching or learning is not conceptual,explanation giving rather plain,boring and mugging up type.As such there is not much of Organic Chem in Class 11 as compared to Class 12,but still basic concept chapters like IUPAC Nomenclature,POC,GOC and even Hydrocarbons are still there. GOC is like "ABCD" of Organic Chemistry and once you master that, you can even do some questions indirectly using its concepts.Anyways,for revising Organic Chemistry the best way is to read,understand from you teacher's notes the mechanism,the "why this is happening" part of all the reactions and other basic concepts.

Organic Chem is more about concept building rather than mugging up.People who mug up often fail in the final exam if the question is asked in a slightly different way,as those people remember the reaction like A + B gives C and not that what to react with A to give C as major or like C can be made by which reactions.These twisty questions can be conquered only by thorough practice,which can be done by coaching modules,DPPs and also Organic Chemistry AIPMT/AIIMS of MS Chouhan.MS Chouhan contains a lot of questions to quench you thirst of Organic Chemistry.Doing it while revising is recommended.Also,regarding doubts the stand remains the same.Ask doubts,make concepts,ask more doubts and make more concepts.
Summary for Physical Chem: Teachers notes,coaching modules,understand the underlying mechanism and concepts of all reactions,practice and ask doubts,improving you concepts gradually.

Inorganic Chemistry - Probably the most dreaded part of Chemistry felt by most of the students.S-block,P-block and what not?But wait,two very interesting and conceptual topics of 'Periodic Table and Periodicity" and the greatest - "Chemical Bonding" are included in it too.For the conceptual part,revising those concepts that your teacher has taught and practicing a good amount of questions is sufficient.For the more mugging up part,I can say that have 2-3 good reading of NCERT, try to link if their is any underlying concept or even popular mnemonics that can help you learn those series and orders of reactivity,boiling point,melting point,stability etc.If not try to write down again and again to remember them.Do all possible questions so that no important fact/concept/order is left.Stick to NCERT book rather than going in much detail
Summary for Inorganic Chemistry : NCERT book for theory,writing down to remember,making self concepts or mnemonics and practice a lot.
Post for Physics and Biology Revision is coming up in the next few days.
UPDATE : I am back on Quora.
Till then

Revision Strategy : Class 11

Greetings Readers
I am back to blogging after being a bit busy for Mid-Sem Exams at college.Anyways, this post is also dedicated to the demands of readers who wanted me to write on a revision strategy,which is workable and realistic.As such all of you must have completed quite a good stretch of the syllabus and those in Class 12 must be reaching the end of the whole syllabus
I am gonna explain this taking my own example.
First of all,basically all of us including me,were taught few chapters in all subjects,then weekly/monthly tests were taken,we scored and then again new topics,new tests and the cycle goes on.The problem arose at the end of the year(Class 11) that I couldn't solve many problems from Kinematics,forgot a lot of Chemistry formulas and didn't remember any examples from Animal Diversity and Plant Diversity.Did you too?
Now,next problem comes,the time.Everyone knows it's pretty difficult learning new topics at coaching that day and covering up old ones simultaneously.But, you have to inculcate this habit.This will help you even more in Class 12,where you have to revise the whole Class 11 syllabus simultaneously with Class 12.
For a broad plan,I would like you to make an index of topics(according to the sequence you studied them) for each subject,make a few columns to check/uncheck the facts that you covered NCERT, coaching modules,coaching notes,solving DPPs and even write a comment at the end that you are confident about it or not.I used to do the same to keep a track of topics that I was strong in and ones I needed to improve upon.Also,best time for first concise revision of  Class 11 is the ending of course around November,December,January and even Febraury. Plus, a final shot can be given in March post your Class 11 exams.Also,if possible,do revise in parts in like August and September what you were taught in April,May,June.It will help you maintain a continuity and picking up the initial topics again won't be so difficult at the end.
I am making individual posts for each subject.First up today is Class 11 Chemistry.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Race against Time : The Solution

Greetings Readers
All of you are in the middle of your preparation phase,right?Those in Class 11 must be doing Rotational Mechanics and Center of Mass in Physics and those in Class 12 must be busy with revising the complete course efficiently and repairing their somewhat broken concepts.
In my last post,I highlighted some issues that you all must be facing in some form or the other due to lack of time for preparation.This post aims to help you with those problems, as suggested by own experiences with these problems.This ain't gonna be any normal do or don'ts post.This will be in a way that's completely relatable to all of you as normal students.
First of all,the problem was "Time" and "Time Management".See,you don't need to do any course in Time Management to manage time.It's something that you have to build in you,yourself.
Firstly,this post is for regular school going students(as students in coaching institutes like Allen Kota have a different schedule,so will address their issues in a separate post).
Yours is a hectic schedule,robbing you of a lot of precious time needed for study and practice for NEET/AIIMS. Plus,these school people take a lot of assignments,practicals,file work,half-yearlies,term exams and the most hyped "Preboards"!
Those people just try to steer you away from NEET/AIIMS preparation to getting 90+ % in Board Exams(bitter truth).Yes,the only goal of majority of schools is making more and more students to get more than 90% marks in Boards,so that they can put up your picture in ads to attract more students. I and my batch mates witnessed it with almost all big schools in our city.Also, Boards marks will not get you anywhere except like B.Sc admissions in some State/National Universities,and those are places you don't want to go(definitely I think!).So first break the hype that Board marks matter.
For NEET(as off 2016) you need 50% in PCB and individually passing all the three PCB subjects along with only passing marks in English.For AIIMS, you need aggregate percent more than 60% of PCB and English combined.See you need barely 60% for even AIIMS,leave alone NEET. Although if you study conceptually for NEET/AIIMS and just work hard with derivations and presentation style in last 2 months of Boards, 85%+ is automatically assured.
So my first message to you is,"Stop worrying about Boards,rather lay stress on making each and every concept of your NEET/AIIMS syllabus strong,don't leave out on anything."
Next,avoid extra-curricular activities in these 2 years at school,which though may be good, waste a lot of your time. Avoid becoming prefects or monitors of class,as unnecessary burden is to be avoided in these 2 years. Do DPPs and coaching modules in school when free,even if teachers scold you or catch you sometimes. Don't be scared at all. A friend of mine did DPPs and modules only in school and also slept in the school bus rather than at home,to get rest along with saving time to study at home.See the determination! Today that guy is in SMS Medical College,Jaipur.
Also,I think minimum attendance required is 75% or 80% in most of the schools in the country.Try to take holidays on days you expect go useless in schools. Make a notebook and keep a track of your own attendance,yourself.Take holidays on days which come in between other holidays like yesterday,where Monday came in between Sunday and Dussehra-Moharram holidays.It will give you long stretches for undisturbed studies.Delay school written work till the last moment,don't become the "First to Submit the File" person, otherwise teachers will expect you to give the file first,each time.The main point is that you need to extract time from school to make your career,fulfill your dream and avoid wasting one more precious year of your life dropping for entrance exams.Those 'school wallas' will not remember you once you are gone after giving them a board percentage and a photo,when you drop for your preparation.
If you can get a "setting"(you know what I mean) done for attendance in school,atleast in Class 11 if not in Class 12,please go for it and study as best as you can in Class 11.The reason behind this is that if you make strong concepts in Class 11 itself,you will not carry the stress of it in Class 12 and revising topics will be way easier.I have seen fellow students spoiling their Class 12 time in learning Class 11 again and also those who completely forgot Class 11 in Class 12.So be very particular in Class 11 to improve your learning skill,solving skills and speed so that your Class 12 sails smoothly.
Next thing is that don't get depressed if you don't understand some complicated topics in one shot.Telling about me,I took at least 6 tries and revisions to make Diversity in Living World strong as a topic,learnt Plant Morphology properly only 1 month before NEET(AIPMT),did Rotational motion some 8-9 times to be able to solve all the type of questions and topics like Waves were something I completed properly only 2-3 weeks before AIPMT. So you understand some things just at the time you need them!
That's it for this post.Will update this post,if I get more "jugaadu" ideas or hear some more problems from you all.
You are FREE to comment your problems in the comments section. ThePMTBlog is for you,I will definitely reply(not just try) to your comments,provided I have the resources and experience to help you.
UPDATE(NEW) : I had deleted my Quora account about 18 days back,but with some efforts, things have worked out with Quora finally and I am back on Quora. Although I am still a bit angry on Quora banning me earlier but still a larger audience of the blog was from Quora and I had to get back to them, in case they couldn't visit the blog.I wish they don't ban me again(for useless reasons), but the risk has to be taken to reach out a larger number of students.
Anyways the blog, which is the main platform,will be remaining at the forefront.I will continue to post and write blog posts on various issue and topics exclusively here @ ThePMTBlog.  Quora will remain more as an interaction and communication platform rather than a content platform,because no one knows when those Admins get freaked out again.
Till next time

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Race against Time : The Problems

Greetings Readers
It's the dilemma and confusion of all aspirants of competitive exams like JEE,NEET or AIIMS alike that how does one manage time.Questions like,"How do I best utilize the time that I have available with me?" or "How much should I study per day to get the best results?" and even "I am studying for x hours a day but it's not helping me,what should I do?"
See,this problem called "Time nahi hai" or "I don't get time" occurs with everyone,literally everyone.Be it the toppers,average scorers,struggling people and who not.Our teacher once used to say,"If I write a post on Facebook on the thing that time is inadequate for exam preparation and this is very unfair,that post will receive lakhs of likes from almost anywhere and everywhere!"
Jokes apart, still one can't sit and keep complaining about these problems and still ace the exams.Something has to be done.Changes have to be brought to yourself,your surroundings,your way of life for this preparation period.You have to change yourself according to the conditions.
Coming to the point,let's take an example of the life of a common school going student who wants to prepare for NEET/AIIMS too with coaching classes in evening.
The normal schedule - 
Wake up - Maybe between 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning.
Get ready and go to school : Between 6:30 and 7:00
School day :Varying between 7:30 to like 1:30 in the afternoon
Reach home : Around 2:00 in afternoon
Eat food,rest :About 1 hour
Go to coaching : 4:00 to 8:00(approx)
Come back home : 8:30 in evening
Study or do home work : Maybe from 8:30 to 10:30 or 11:00
Sleep : till next morning
So we see that this is a quite hectic schedule for a normal person and can be exasperating and tiring for a student.Also getting only 2-3 hours of self study,after a the busy day feels too less.
Topics may be taught at coaching,questions may be given for solving but one may not get the time to read the topics again,grasp them and resolve his/her doubts.Also,question solving,which is the most important part of this preparation,takes a toll as since if one doesn't understand the topic, how will he solve them?
Next comes the situation arises when school and coaching are going in opposite directions,teaching way different topics to the same student at the same time.It's like teaching "Cell:The unit of Life" in the Morning and "Diversity in the living world" in the evening.How will the student understand it?Many students aren't able to cope up this pressure(neither was I) and get depressed and demotivated.
Also,social media like Whatsapp and Facebook serve as "time-wasters",where students bored with this monotonous life seek some happiness,some joy or fun but result in eventually wasting more time and getting more demotivated.
Eventually,at one time,there comes a big lag between how much the student has learned actually and what topic the coaching guys have reached(following strict and fixed schedules).This creates a big backlog that can become a long term problem for the student.
This post is not meant for demotivating you,I just wanted you to have a look upon your problems, and the need to act upon them.Whatever problems I have quoted above have been personally faced by myself too and my next post will give an answer to all of the problems stated above,in the context of what I did to solve them and what result the solutions gave.
Till then,I request you to ponder upon these and get yourself motivated and encouraged to solve them.Nothing is impossible for you as an NEET/AIIMS aspirant if you have determination and patience.
Do post your queries in the comments section.I will try my best to answer them.
Till the next post

Friday, 23 September 2016

Post on demand!

Greetings Readers
First of all sorry for being inactive on the blog for so many days.As such classes have started at Medical college and it takes a while to accept this change of pattern and subjects.Thus, I was very busy with it in the past 10-12 days.
Coming to the point,I have been writing many posts on this blog since July as they clicked in my mind,but now I want you to suggest topics or subjects or problems on which you require me to write a post on.
Do leave your suggestions in the comments section.
Till then

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Attempting the paper : Time Management

Greetings Readers
Back after a long time to the blog.Was busy with AIIMS 3rd counseling and Rajasthan State counseling in the past 7-8 days.Continuing with my previous post on 'Attempting the paper', today I shall elaborate on the way one gives the actual paper after preparing for it and how to beat time and stress while attempting it.
Time.................................................This is the single biggest problem of all students preparing for competitive examinations like JEE,NEET and AIIMS. "Already the paper comes so unexpected sometimes and you expect me to complete it each time in the same 3 hours!".That was what I thought during my preparation phase.Sometimes the paper came so lengthy that even if I knew how to solve those problems,I couldn't score good because all could not be solved in the time.
Second,there are 3 subjects here. The order of doing PCB subjects is a dilemma with every different paper.Also,sometimes Physics come calculative,sometimes Chemistry comes with confusing options and sometimes Biology comes with out of syllabus questions.The question comes,"How do I decide then and there at that moment which subject to do first,which later,which questions to leave and which to attempt later?".
Answer : Yes,this is a complex situation of choosing instantly what to go for and you don't have much time to separately think about that.The three things you need to do are - Practice,Analyse and Gain Experience(dubbed PAGE strategy).Keep giving papers of NEET/AIIMS pattern.If you are not able to complete the paper,there may be two reasons-First that your solving speed is slow and second that your solving speed is decent,but the order in which you do PCB subjects doesn't suit you.
To solve the first problem,you can give some tests where they give you exact stats of each subject.Like on which subject you are spending more time,which topics are bothering you,which questions you took a lot of time etc.That may help you in improving in the areas where your speed is slow.Also,if not interested in online tests,you can setup a timer at home while you are solving questions,so as you become alert in a similar way as you are in exam hall.Solve books,materials and DPPs as if you are giving the actual exam.
For the second problem,I recommend you to try all possible orders of solving PCB subjects in your upcoming tests and compare the results.In my case,in the first test in 2014,I solved the paper as it came - Chem then Physics then Bio.Did it till two tests.But,in the third test a very lengthy paper set the fire on.Chem took away a lot of time,Physics took even more and had to rush through Biology in the last 30 min.Filled the OMR like hell fast.Left this strategy that day only!Next took the most famous order of paper solving among medical aspirants - Bio then Chem then Physics.Few tests went better than the previous ones,but lengthy Chemistry papers made me too tired to jump on Physics papers directly(even the easiest ones).Physics marks took a big dip and went to 80-100 range.Then I took up an almost unheard order - Chem then Bio then Physics.
You may say why you took it?Reason was that it suited me the best.Chemistry was a personal favourite subject,at par with the likes of Biology.Doing Chemistry correctly meant getting good marks in addition to Biology.2 subjects were insured of safety.Also, Biology served as a break after all those exhausting Physical Chemistry calculations,helping to gear up for Physics.Also, left with good time to attempt again some 7-8 questions in addition to filling the OMR sheet. Used this strategy till the end and even in NEET 2016.
Told you this story so that you to encourage you to go and experiment and find the plan that suits you the best.
One more thing - OMR filling! It may seem a small thing, but it is the actual thing that goes after all your efforts are done for checking.Its the mirror image of your efforts and hard work.Many students fail to complete filling up the OMR sheet in the end when lengthy papers come.Others who fill OMR as they do the paper,sometimes fill in options of questions,they were unsure of.So what to do now?A different approach exists.You should solve all the questions which you are completely sure of as "First round" in almost 60%-75% of time and fill in the options you are confident of.Then,in "Second Round",keep doing more complex questions and fill the OMR as you do it.This was the technique I adopted when I came in class 12,and which I used in NEET 2016 and AIIMS 2016.Allen Kota students too are recommended to do the same.Also,its never a must to solve and mark all the questions. Leaving the time consuming questions is also a thing that practice and time will teach you.So keep that in mind too.
Stay motivated and encouraged and keep practicing and improving.
Do post your doubts and queries in the comments section.I will try my best to answer them.
Till then

Friday, 26 August 2016

Attempting the paper : Negative Marking

Greetings Readers
I have already discussed about subjects,study materials,books,exam pattern and even AIIMS UG on this blog.But now comes the 'Grand Finale' of NEET preparation with these most infamous questions among NEET/AIIMS aspirants-
  • "Books,notes,DPP sab kar liye par ab paper kaise de?"
  • "Padke to sab gaye par paper me dar ke mare sab bhul gaye?"
  • "Not able to attempt the whole paper in given time even when I am able to solve it at home later on.What to do?"
  • "Negative marking kills my marks and performance.What can be done?"
  • "How to attempt the paper,any specific pattern,which subject to do first,which subject next?
  • "When to fill OMR - continuously or in the last 15 min?"
It's quite normal for these questions to come in your mind.When I came in Class 11 and gave NEET(AIPMT) pattern papers for the first time, I and my batch-mates used to have the same confusion over all these questions too.
But,slowly with over two years of giving papers at at coaching, I discovered(or rather selected) a strategy that suited me the best.In the next few posts in the upcoming days,I will help you find a 'unique' strategy for yourself too.Will answer all the above mentioned questions simultaneously too.
Negative marking being a big problem for all students will be discussed first with today's post.

As you all know,the NEET paper basically contains 180 questions of MCQ type with four options each.4 Marks for correct answer, -1 for incorrect(25% negative marking).But,there is one more way of seeing this.If between 2 confusing options you tick the wrong one,you actually lost 5 marks(4 marks if you had chosen the other option and -1 of negative marking).Now that's the way I want you to see the question paper.
Coming from school pattern exams,sometimes students overdo questions in NEET pattern tests.They fill answers of questions which they don't have any clue too.Make blind hits,lose marks,get depressed.The first thing you need to learn here is only do the questions you have a good idea of.In this negative marking paper,don't make blind hits(Remember the 'Jai Mata Di' question hits the character Jeet made in 'Student of the Year'?)
"OK,Agreed with you on this point.But what should I do when despite not making any blind hits or 'tukkas' I get a lot of questions negative?".
Answer - Improve on your concepts.If you are not making blind hits and still getting a lot of negative marks,the problem lies in your concept making.You are filling the OMR sheet believing that your answer is correct,but the exactly opposite is happening.It means that some fault is there in your learning technique(like too much mugging up without understanding) or in the some cases learning factual errors as the right thing or maybe understanding a particular topic the wrong way(not intentionally but unintentionally).Its correctly said,"Many ways exist to do stuff wrong,few ways exist to do it right."
Solution? No determined student does the wrong thing willingly.I believe that you too,don't.Be positive and there's always scope of improvement.The best things you can do is to just do it.Pick up all your doubts and ask them to your teacher,batch-mates(intelligent ones especially),senior and whatever source you know can answer them.Don't hide or ignore your doubts because trust me that these doubts are the main thing that make your marks go negative.The one who solves all doubts that come in his/her way is actually making his preparation sort of "Negative marking proof"(like bulletproof) because these doubtful questions are the only ones that decide your final rank.+5 marks and you get your dream college and -5 and your chances are gone.It's simple as that.
Also,try to trust your instincts and be true to your knowledge.If your mind is saying that I can't solve this problem or I have no idea about this topic,leave the questions immediately.Don't spend time thinking to do or not to do.Even if your marks come low,you will come to know your true level and will do hard work to improve.This in turn will benefit you.
Final thing - Don't get depressed(or even too overjoyed) with the marks you get at coaching.Rather focus on your ability of solving or not solving questions of different topics.I myself used to get 580-620(out of 720) marks in NEET pattern tests in Class 11,coming at first position regularly in my batch.That made me a bit overconfident and I didn't improve on my learning techniques feeling that I am the best.Ignored NCERT books too sometimes!Then the level of tests suddenly increased in July'14 and my marks took a dip straight to 500-550 range and then to 450-500 range.I lost 1st position also 2 times.Those events shook me up.After deep struggle of 5-6 months(mentioned in my NEET Physics post too) I came back to that 600 marks range in December'14.The lesson that I learnt that here nothing is permanent.You have to be consistent with each topic and adapt yourself to the changing pattern and difficulty of the papers.
Will continue this discussion on "Attempting the paper" in the next post.
Do post your queries in comments section.I will try my best to answer them.
Till then
P.S. Thank you all for the response the blog is receiving.Extremely satisfied with my efforts and the support you all are giving by following the blog.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

AIIMS UG : What different needs to be done?

Greetings Readers
Continuing with my previous post on "AIIMS UG : What's the difference?", next comes the question- "What different stuff should I do specifically for AIIMS UG aside from my NEET syllabus? Answer- 
  • For all three subjects - Do practice assertion-reason type questions from day 1 as they play a crucial deciding factor on your final rank in AIIMS UG. Doing these type of questions needs that your concepts are ultra-clear and you know the reason behind whatever you learn.Try to solve the confusion between "Assertion Reason Both Correct with Reason being the correct one or not" problem of options A and B of AIIMS questions.
  • For paper attempting - This can be the biggest turning point as only few marks can make your rank go from hundreds to thousand to out of the merit list.Actually the golden tip here is attempt questions only which you are sure of inspite of doing less questions.Don't make blind hits.In my case I attempted 168 questions and 39 went wrong with only 129 correct.Surprised?..............................That's the case with the AIIMS paper.Even many questions you are 100% sure go wrong than what can be said of blind hits.Still got AIR of 780 with only 116.00 marks.One classmate of mine got AIR 1250 with 112.00 marks.See the stiff competition!4 Marks difference (4 questions difference since each one carries 1 marks) and gap of 470 people. That's what you face at AIIMS UG. So have a strict control at negative marking and blind hits from day 1.
  • Biology - Continue what you are doing for NEET as NCERT Biology is the golden standard here also.But one thing extra is that you should have pictures and labeling of all NCERT diagrams very clear in your mind as in 2016 2 questions had been asked for labeling NCERT diagrams with them being shown colourfully on the screen.Don't 'mug up' Biology.Instead remember something only when you know the reason behind it.
  • Chemistry - Do cover the syllabus of study material of coaching institutes with NCERT as the base book.For Physical Chemistry, I can say that coaching material(I did Resonance only) and the book "Problems in Physical Chemistry for AIPMT/AIIMS by Narendra Awasthi" are sufficient to tackle even out of NCERT questions.Plus in Organic Chemistry where AIIMS definitely asks questions of like JEE Main level not given directly in NCERT, solving Resonance material and "Problems in Organic Chemistry for AIPMT/AIIMS by MS Chouhan" ,trust me, can make you ready to tackle ANY QUESTION be it inside NCERT or outside NCERT book.Do complete NCERT theory for Inorganic Chem and practice questions from your coaching materials,that will be sufficient.
  • Physics - This is the most hyped section in AIIMS UG."Pata nahi kya kya bolte hai log iske baare men!Koi kahta hai IIT jaisa, koi bolta hai outside NCERT,koi bolta hai impossible. Bolne waale bolte rahenge unka kuchh nahi kar sakte".But you don't need to be scared at all.Do your coaching materials as you are doing for NEET preparations.Practice questions from recommended books.
    • Just one secret tip that normally people ignore.This tip was better publicized by Navsheen Singhal, AIR 1 AIIMS UG 2015.He told in an interview that NCERT Physics book needs to be done 100% as some high level questions come directly from NCERT book,especially from the "Additional Exercises" part and NCERT Exemplar Problems of Physics book. 99.99% people ignore this but the topper didn't do so and thus the reason of him being the topper."Simply don't ignore anything from NCERT".Initially,even I thought ki ye toh faaltu ke tips de raha hai,but when many more students said do,I decided to take a look at those Additional Exercise questions and NCERT Exemplar and was utterly surprised.Questions from there had been asked directly in JEE Main,NEET(AIPMT) and AIIMS. What a treasure of questions and concepts that these coaching people forget to tell us to solve!
    • Then,the time when I was actually giving AIIMS UG 2016,one question came on "Poisuille's Law" which had no mention in NCERT theory but still 1 question had been mentioned in the exercises of "Mechanical Properties of Fluids" chapter of NCERT Class 11 Part 2.No mentions in any coaching material.Resonance,Aakash and Allen all missed on it(atleast in the editions which I had).Now comes the power of NCERT Physics.What they all missed but AIIMS and NCERT didn't miss.(Thanked the AIIMS topper in my mind for making that a point in his interview,otherwise that 1 question would have made a lot of difference in my rank).Many other such questions too came,but don't exactly remember them.So,do NCERT Physics and NCERT Exemplar Physics 100% to beat out that stiff competition in AIIMS UG.
    • Also,make your theory portion of Physics strong by studying theory from NCERT Physics and then going for DC Pandey(JEE edition) or HC Verma. Assertion-Reason questions will test your theory aptly so be prepared.
P.S.You don't need Halliday-Resinick or University Physics here so stay away from them!
  • General Knowledge - Many people may misguide you here to read history and geography but keeping the 2016 paper in mind you don't need to even touch them.You need to only know the current affairs,that to mostly of the previous year of your giving AIIMS UG(like 2016 for AIIMS UG 2017) and April and May of your exam year.In 2016 papers most questions were from previous 2 months and anyone who read a national English Daily Newspaper like 'Times of India' or 'The Hindu' for 15 minutes daily(leaving cartoons and gossips) could get 15-16 questions right.2-3 questions came from mental ability type too,like that of Direction Sense and Seating Arrangement that Class 10 students do for NTSE examination.
To conclude AIIMS UG is not at all impossible to crack for a normal NEET aspirant so be brave and go for AIIMS!
Do post your queries in comments section.I will try my best to answer them.
Till then

AIIMS UG : What's the difference?

Greetings Readers
AIIMS - almost every medical aspirant and even non-medical students have heard this term and each medical aspirant aspires to get a seat at what is said to be the No.1 Medical College of India - AIIMS Delhi.
Even the other six AIIMS at Bhopal,Bhubaneshwar,Jodhpur(my home town),Rishikesh,Patna and Raipur are no small things and are dynamic institutions showing fast and steady growth.So this makes the destination one seeks even greater and a class apart.
But,one question has been crippling all medical aspirants since years.What's the difference between exams like NEET,state PMTs and AIIMS-UG entrance examination?This question arises due to AIIMS not releasing their test papers officially, and also that candidates are not allowed to take away the question papers and even the rough works sheets or admit cards with them after the examination.The recent shift to the online mode as made getting previous year questions even tougher.Even more, these AIIMS guys don't even specify the syllabus of the examination and just say that,"It would be based on 10+2 syllabus of  educations boards throughout the country".
This puts a normal NEET/AIIMS student in utter confusion(I myself was confused).
Next,come the coaching institutes.Some institutes which even probably have no idea of the AIIMS questions paper just put a tag on their billboards "Coaching for NEET/AIIMS/CET/Boards", and then teach almost anything in name of NEET/AIIMS, be it relevant or not."Who checks and who cares?",they think.But students are becoming smarter and more aware these days,they must know.
Then come established institutes like Allen,Aakash and Resonance etc.These guys know about the paper,syllabus,pattern but somewhat except at the Delhi and Kota(head branches where special batches are made of toppers and they are taught extra stuff aside from normal students, being a sad truth of discrimination among students), don't manage to deliver consistently good results.However some exceptions maybe there(I myself had a very good experience at Resonance Jodhpur and even last year a senior of mine here got AIR 126 in AIIMS UG 2015 and is now at AIIMS Jodhpur).So the teaching depends on local faculty  more but the material and test are more of Delhi or Kota branch related.
Coming to what they do,they build previous year papers according to 'memory' of their past students,but the problem comes when the same paper gets two different versions by two different institutes and so on.Utter confusion na?To add to it this, these institutes(mainly Allen and Aakash) teach almost anything and everything in name of AIIMS sometimes,which normally aren't necessary for AIIMS UG actually.
We are not here for criticism of coaching institutes here but I only wanted to tell you the backdrop of this mysterious story of AIIMS UG and why many students though capable get confused and aren't able to crack AIIMS UG. Now coming back to the point - What actually is the difference between AIIMS UG and NEET and state PMTs?
  • First of all, all that hype that AIIMS asks out of syllabus questions,even higher than class 11 and class 12 ,from MBBS subjects or Medicine in Biology or like JEE Advanced type in Physics and Chemistry is utterly false as of 2016.I myself have the paper and feel that yes they have gone outside of NCERT in some 10-15 questions in Physics and Chemistry, but they have stuck to NCERT in Biology for almost 55-57 questions out of 60 questions(maybe even all 60 of them as I don't remember exactly now).That's the thing you need to fix in your mind for now.
  • Second thing is the framing of questions.Questions are framed extremely logically and pure mugging up won't help.Biology can have some direct questions but match the column types need complete knowledge.Physics and Chemistry have logical and statement understanding questions which become easy when you are very thorough with your concepts.Calculations are lengthy in many questions and you need to make your calaculations fast and accurate as time will be a limiting factor there. Assertion-Reason types need a strong command on the theory portion of the subjects.
Trying not to make this post long,I am breaking this AIIMS topic into two posts - Will mention what different stuff to do specifically in all the three subjects and GK for AIIMS in the next post.
Do post your queries in comments section.I will try my best to answer them.
Till then

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

NEET UG 2016 Results are out!

Greetings Readers
Finally after all that wait of two and a half months NEET UG 2016 results are out!
Your own blog author has got AIR 1460.Very happy and satisfied with my result.Thank God for supporting throughout this journey.
Although I will not get a 'dhansu'(or epic/great in English) college from All India Quota seats,but still expect to  get a state rank of 220-250 in Rajasthan according to previous year trends.Almost all good government colleges(including SMS Jaipur and SNMC Jodhpur)of Rajasthan are in reach with this rank.Personally being from Jodhpur, SNMC is a big preference,although AIIMS Jodhpur is that big dream which in some way or the other every student has.
All the tension of that NEET-1 v/s NEET-2 percentile or marks is gone.Thank god highly that CBSE declared common result according to marks otherwise with percentile my rank would have gone in ten thousands or so.
Will be active with the blog even more since the tension is gone and have got a stable and good result.May this also encourage a lot of you to do hard work and even exceed me in excellence at NEET and AIIMS exams.
Till next time

Monday, 15 August 2016

Off topic : Something Motivational!

Greetings Readers
Motivation ..................Its something that each one of us seeks throughout life and especially even more in this phase of NEET/AIIMS exam preparation in Class 11 or 12 or the droppers.
Many things motivate us to reach our goal.But, see you must differentiate motivation from pressure.Its very easy to get confused among the two.
Motivation is encouragement without expectation and just to enable to do your best,whereas pressure is something that others built up on you with a load of expectations.
Pressure can be of  many ways -

  1. Family Pressure - Become a doctor,earn more,life set,future expectations,board me 95+,better than Sharma Ji's son etc.
  2. Social Pressure - Doctor ka child doctor,engineer ka beta engineer,lawyer ka beta lawyer etc.
  3. Friends Pressure - 90-95% getting all friends taking PCM,you taking Biology(odd one out situations). PCM guys making fun of Biology and labeling it as a 'rattu' subject.You wanna teach them a lesson etc.
  4. Want to run away from Maths (Biowalaas No.1 Fear!)
I just say one thing.Don't do your study and hard work to tackle all these pressures,problems and expectations.That will built-up a big load that you won't be able to carry for long.Instead try to leave all these pressures in Class 10 and move with true passion to Class 11.Be self-motivated.Do what you want to do in the way that suits you.Study for NEET/AIIMS with a never ending 'junoon' to excel in each topic.Don't study to get 1st rank or 90+ percentage.Study to be better than what you were yesterday.If this is followed,you would be surprised to see how you get changed in 2 years(Trust me experienced it myself!)
Here is a link to a motivational video that I used to see in the last 3 months of my Boards,NEET and AIIMS preparation.

Its a video on the India v/s Sri Lanka 2011 ODI world Cup Final.Whenever I used to be filled with pressure,fear and tension of the last moments,I used to see it to get motivated for my goal.To hit the six yourself that crosses all the boundaries should be your aim.

(P.S. I am M.S. Dhoni Fan not hater,the youtube title of the video is just as such kept by the uploader)
Plus,Happy Independence Day to you all!
Till next time 

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Book and Study Material - Physics

Physics.........................the supposedly most dreaded,feared,cursed and what not said about subject of PCB students and NEET/AIIMS exam seeking students.Students and even sometimes teachers often mislead you about how to do Physics and even exaggerate the subject that needs a simple,methodical and dedication having approach.If you have decided that-"I will study,learn,understand Physics no matter how I fear it or what problems come!", nothing can stop you.For books and study materials,stick to few books,do hardwork and have the patience.
Coming to the topic,today I will be telling about the books I followed for NEET/AIIMS Physics, that were recommended to me by my teachers and ex-NEET/AIIMS high rankers.
Again all the students are divided into 3 categories - Beginner,Semi-pro and Pros.
  • Beginners-Those who have just began NEET/AIIMS preparation and don't have much clue about the pattern and syllabus of NEET/AIIMS. They are just learning the basics and fundamentals of Physics,theory being first then numericals.
  • Semi-pro -Those who have already began their preparation and have undergone 2-3 months of coaching and studying.They are aware of Physics as a subject and can solve most basic problems of NEET/AIIMS pattern.Although they maybe still have doubts in certain topics and may not have learnt the approach to solve some tricky problems.
  • Pro - These are the people who have already mastered NCERT,coaching study materials and good Physics problem books.They are well versed with both theory and question-solving approach and can easily solve complete previous years questions,even the trickiest ones from JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

Core books - Recommended for Beginners,Semi-pros and Pros alike.
  • NCERT Physics Class 11&12
Repeating the same thing I said in my Chemistry Study Material post,it is believed by many students that they need to do high level books of JEE type and NCERTs are "sarkari" ones and useless but the case is actually "the opposite". Actually NCERTs are great books on theory and even questions,its just that the arrangement and the depth of topics make them only a bit inconvenient.For beginners,you must start from NCERT and then move to coaching materials(they are also VERY important for NEET/AIIMS Physics).You should once or twice study theory and then solve questions from NCERT which will make you get a firm grip at the basics.Then you should study Coaching notes and study material and finally go for NEET/AIIMS pattern questions.Don't touch JEE books until you are very thorough with questions of NEET/AIIMS Physics syllabus and level.
  • A good NEET/AIIMS DLP or Booklet package from a reputed coaching institute - Again comes the difference between Bio and Phy/Chem in study materials.In Bio its still possible to score 75-80% with only NCERT,but here to even read and solve the questions properly you need coaching materials.Many formulas,theories and a good question bank are missing from NCERT Physics books so you definitely need something extra.
I myself have used Resonance, Aakash DLP and Allen DLP and can tell that the Resonance one is the best for NEET/AIIMS Physics as they contain the correct pattern and level that is needed today in NEET/AIIMS. Theory is easy to read and is up-to the mark.They have previous year questions from JEE-Main and Advanced,aside from NEET and AIIMS too which help a lot since in past 2 years NEET/AIIMS are coming quite increased in difficulty(as compared to pre-2015 papers) and thus you need that extra edge. Aakash ones(as I have seen) give way too much theory and lack on questions and tricks.Allen ones are second behind Resonance as the theory though good isn't the easiest to self-read and understand.Plus,most questions are from like from like 1990-2005 and state PMTs. But,they may get updated in future(like this year or next year).So they may become a good choice,although I can't comment much on that.

Auxiliary books - These can be used once you are a semi-pro and need to become a pro.You have got broadly understood the basics of Physics by NCERT and coaching materials and want to go to the next level .You are passionate about achieving something in NEET/AIIMS and not just sitting there scared of Physics.Recommended for Semi Pros and Pros.

  • Concepts of Physics by HC Verma(Part 1 and Part 2): ONLY FOR THEORY

Two great books by a very great Physics professor at IIT Kanpur,these books actually teach you the substance of each topic in Physics.Read them after studying NCERT and Coaching stuff.You will feel that your understanding of Physics has grown.For taking your Physics to the next level,this is the stair you need to climb upon.Do the questions only when you are super confident about your topics and are scoring good in coaching tests.Otherwise stick to other books for questions.

  • Understanding Physics for JEE Main and Advanced by DC Pandey
Its a series of 5 books separated by topics as Mechanics-1, Mechanics-2,Wave and Thermodynamics,Electromagnetism and Optics&Modern Physics.According to me if your coaching teacher notes does not provide good theory or you feel it a bit incomplete as compared to what comes in tests.Do go for it as DC Pandey himself being a Physics teacher in a coaching institute has made superb theory points.Also he has given a 'typed problem section' in the 2016 editions,which contains several classical examples of questions which come in JEE,NEET and AIIMS and the method recommended to solve them.He has also pointed out some conceptual mistakes that we students do while solving problems.For NEET and AIIMS students,use this book for theory and do questions only upto JEE-Main level.That will be more than sufficient for building strong concepts for NEET/AIIMS.

For the confusion which to choose between DC Pandey and HC Verma,I san say that DC Pandey is more exam oriented while HC Verma is more subject oriented.Two points will clear the choice-

  • If your coaching notes are good enough to help you solve your coaching material and understand Physics easily,prefer delaying DC Pandey books for revision time(maybe end of Class 11 or in Class 12) and pick HC Verma instead.
  • But if your coaching notes are not sufficient and you are struggling with different types of questions of study material and tests,pick DC Pandey books instantly and avoid HC Verma.
Books for Pros - There are as such no pro specific books for Physics Pros in PCB stream but you can solve previous year Physics Olympiad aka NSEP papers if you want to.But beware the level will be way too high.Even PCM guys struggle there.
That's all with this post.My last words remain the same as in the Biology and Chemistry books post.
"Actually the main thing behind this post is informing students that they should focus on few selected,well recommended books rather than again and again changing them and ending up with a pile of books and no knowledge still.Also don't pay heed to X student or Y Bhaiya and Z Didi for book recommendations unless they have themselves completely studied from that book and are benefiting from it.I have seen many people get "out of course" and quite thick books which they never studied again after few days or weeks of purchasing them.Simply because these didn't help for NEET/AIIMS. 
Please stick to your coaching teacher(not school teacher) and ex-NEET/AIIMS high rankers only for book recommendations.Once you have chosen few books,stick to them for a good period and many coaching tests until you feel that's not helping.Do learn patiently and steadily as only what you have extracted from these books will help you finally,not having these books themselves."
Will update list if find other good books too! 

Till next time 
Edit:Do post your queries in comments section.I will try my best to answer them.